• World’s first transparent solar panel developed, the SolarWindow

  • transparent-solar-panel.jpg Windows have always been those sheets of glass that act as transparent walls, letting in light, keeping out the heat, and recently, producing energy! New Energy Technologies, Inc. has its SolarWindow technology ready, after researches have worked their necks off with its development. This will be the world’s first-ever glass window capable of generating electricity, making that good old sheet of glass more usable. Solar panels as we know them today are opaque, and usually bulky. A see-thru solar panel allows its installation as a window, satisfying the natural lighting needs as well as generating power.

    The newly developed technology is indeed a boon to green energy generation, considering the fact that glass walled buildings have sprouted up all over the world. These glass surfaces being replaced with the SolarWindow™ could create an entire side of a building into a solar panel. And with all that energy generated, the world is sure to turn greener!

    Posted in Topics:Uncategorized, Tags: , on July 22, 2010