• Eco-friendly Zero S Electric Supermoto bike

  • zeroselectric.jpg
    Asia had the biggest number of two-wheelers hence amounting for a huge amount of pollution in that zone. Now with so many alternatives, that could be one of the least-polluted areas on earth. Zero S Electric Supermoto is an all-electric motorcycle, designed for street use and can go up to 60 miles at a maximum speed of 60 miles per hr. the best thing is that this will charge up completely in just 4 hours. It has a magnet electric motor which is able to develop 62.5 fl-lbs torque and 31 HP, and a lithium ion battery array of 4kW.

    The bike is also very light and looks like something people use for dirt biking. But as long as it takes you to your destination without leaving a trail of pollution behind you, there can be no complaints. It is priced at $9950.

    Posted in Topics:Uncategorized, Tags: on April 30, 2009