• Year 2020 will have one million plug-in hybrid vehicles

  • plug-in-hybrid-vehicles.jpg
    This prediction didn’t need crystal balls or figuring out tea leaves to come through. We’ve had loads of plug-in hybrid cars sprouting up in the market time and again. One million plug-in hybrids on roads, mostly in the North-East US and West Coast by the year 2020 shouldn’t come as a surprise after all! This prediction was the result of a study by a group of power grid operators from the US and Canada called ‘Assessment of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Integration with ISO/RTO Systems’. According to this study, 684,000 of these one million vehicles will be in the US alone adding an additional electric load of 3,785 megawatts if charged at the same time.

    The study also states that sales will be concentrated heavily in urban areas in the initial stages. Los Angeles will play host to the largest number of plug-in hybrids, anywhere around 119,069 by the year 2019. New York will have the second largest number of these environment and eco-friendly vehicles, around 54,000 in all by the year 2019. These might not be the exact figures, but this growth in cleaner vehicles will sure help conserve our environment.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on March 24, 2010