• Toyota crowned greenest automobile brand by Interbrand

  • Toyota-world's-greenest.jpg
    The makers of the world’s best-selling green car, the hybrid Prius, Toyota has now been crowned as the world’s greenest automobile brand around. International consultancy firm Interbrand crowned Toyota as the greenest in a list of the “Best Global Green Brands”. With a “Green Performance Score” topping 64.19, Toyota is well ahead in the lead of green car manufacturers globally. And honestly, we aren’t surprised, after reading tons on what the car manufacturer has been doing to turn modes of transport greener.

    Also, the list included other names such as Volkswagen that stood 6th, followed by Honda, while Hyundai stood 11th followed by BMW and Mercedes-Benz and Ford at 16th and 20th places respectively.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 29, 2011