• Toshiba unveils Charge Grid system at the Smart Grid Exhibition 2010 in Tokyo

  • Toshiba_Charge-Grid-system.jpg
    The Smart Grid Exhibition 2010 in Tokyo saw the unveiling of Toshiba’s new baby, the “Charge Grid” system. This one compromises of a Rechargeable Li-Ion battery, Rapid Charger and Bidirectional Inverter and assumes that your building has a crown of photovoltaic panels exploiting the sun and the four-wheeler you have packed down there is an electric one. Specially designed for the environmentally friendly and eco-conscious consumers, the Charge Grid works simply by channeling the surplus energy generated by the panels into juice for the EV.

    Surplus energy generated is used to charge Li-Ion batteries, which then juice the batteries of your EV with a Rapid Charge system. The Bidirectional Inverter connects the Power Grid and the Li-Ion batteries, with energy from the buildings power grid used to charge the batteries at night. Adopting a Charge Grid could indeed power up our lives very differently, decreasing our dependence on the city grid and reducing carbon footprints.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on June 23, 2010