• The YikeBike, the next best way to ride around your neighborhood

  • YikeBike.jpg
    Here’s a new way to get around town. Now you really don’t need to hop into your luxury sedan or that humongous SUV every time you need a ride around your neighborhood. Instead, just shell out some $4900 and you’re promised a contraption, complete with wheels, that’ll sure make heads spin as your ride by. The YikeBike is powered by a 1.2kW electric motor. It is made from carbon fiber and is foldable also. It can unfold in 15 seconds as well. The main aim behind this bike is the solution to the problem of urban mobility. The YikeBike comes in a dimension of 6 x 23.6 x 23.6 inches and weighs only 22 pounds which means you can easily carry it around.

    Somewhat designed on the lines of a Pennyfarthing, this one isn’t all that difficult to maneuver and for added safety, the bike comes with electronic brakes and built-in anti-skid system. Will this really be next best way to get around your neighborhood? Probably!

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on December 20, 2010