• The Deuterium are sustainable tractors powered by fuel cells and solar energy

  • Deuterium.jpg
    At first look, we thought we were gazing at a bunch of alien robots busy searching fields, something you’d probably leave George Lucas to think up. These Deuterium machines actually turned out to be some really high-tech tractors instead! To guys with a vision for the future and a really sharp and innovative brain, Prithu Paul and Ankit Kumar, have come up with these super-machines for the future. Besides just looking like a bunch of machines ripped out of a sci-fi movie, the Deuterium (the name would suit a tank or a jet better) tractor is green and sustainable too! Using hydrogen cells to fuel up, these tractors soak in the sun’s energy to power up. They also feature a load of technology including a navigation system and night vision cameras too!

    No longer will farmers in the future drive those terrible gas coughing machines any longer!
    [Trendhunter And The Designblog]

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on October 26, 2010