• Swap the battery and charge your EV in just 59 seconds

  • better-place-tokyo-photo.jpg
    Charging up EVs quickly and swiftly is the need of the day, if people are to be expected to switch to electricity instead of gasoline anytime soon. Usually, electric vehicles take hours to charge up to their full capacity, instead of just the few minutes it takes to fill up a gasoline tank. Well, the largest taxi company in the city of Tokyo have come up with an innovative way to charge up an EV in just 59 seconds, and this sure has left everyone scratching their chins and wondering why they never thought of it before. The taxi company simply swaps a drained out battery for a replenished one! This could be the world’s largest AA battery, and could work best with fleet cars.

    For now, electric cars out on a long drive in the open country seem pretty unrealistic, since no one really would dare taking their chances with EV power stations and rely on the car’s mileage. So for now, we could just swap batteries every time the drain, till the time electric car technology develops.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on August 30, 2010