• Sun-powered Solar Impulse took its first test down the runway

  • Solar-Powered-Plane.jpg
    With rising AIR (Air Turbine Fuel) prices and rapidly depleting resources, bio-fuels seem to be the next best feasible option. However a new range of solar powered planes are being created and tested to eventually make trips around the world. Solar Impulse is one such the solar-powered plane ready after its first test run across the runway, and in time it is expected to take around 20 to 25 flights around the world on a daily basis. During the test, the Solar Impulse took to the run way loaded with four solar-powered electric motors and the plane taxied smoothly without its landing gear ensuring a normal takeoff. The following test will include take off procedures, and performing short air hops. Test on its full flying capacity is likely to begin in the next year.

    Apart from the Solar Impulse, an independent solar-powered aircraft named as the “Odysseus” which can engage in flying activities for five years in a row using its solar panels alone is also in its testing phases.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on November 24, 2009