• Students in northern India develop air-powered bike

  • A while ago, we came across an air-powered bike built by engineering students in India. This time, engineering students from Palwal City in the Northern state of Haryana have designed yet another bike, powered by oxygen, that could give super-cool Saline Bike an inexpensive run for all its worth! Using compressed air, the bike has its piston reciprocate from the air pressure leading to an up-down movement, making the flywheel run and the bike move. Filling up this one’s belly with 100 liters of 300 PSI oxygen, the bike can go a whole 370 miles before requiring a refill. The bike has a top speed of 12 mph, pretty slow for international standards, though fast enough to get around on the crowded urban streets of India.

    With developments like these, we’re pretty sure that gasoline-dipsomaniacs will soon turn into museum artifacts, as the world turns towards greener alternative energy.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on April 21, 2011