• Solar powered, foldable Solar Man bike for green commuting

  • solar_bike_1.jpg
    Bicycling once upon a time used to be the sole source of transportation for people. That may explain why in that generation everyone looked like out of a factory, shaped in the same dimensions and today people look like air’s been pumped into them. The art of cycling has never died and now there’s even a bigger reason to choose it over fuel gulping, air polluting four wheelers. Designer Chen Weiping has introduced the concept of Solar Man, a solar powered bike. It weighs 12kgs and its pedal-power is supplemented with the goodness of the sunrays

    This concept also has the feature of rust-free. The best way to use the bike is fill the li-ion battery using solar power completely before taking it out for a spin. It can also be easily folded and carried so tensions of parking can be given rest.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on April 16, 2009