• Retro and hybrid combined, the Imperia Hybrid brings back the good old days

  • Imperia-GP-1.jpg
    A blast from the past with an added touch of green straight out of the present, we came across this Imperia car model recently. What keeps it apart from the rest of its kind that pretty much stole the show in the early half of the 20th Century is that it’s hybrid. Using a combination of a 207-horsepowr 1.6-liter turbo four and a 134-hp electric motor, this hybrid version of the beautiful retro car touches the 62mph mark in a meager 6 seconds. That’s pretty fast for a resurrected car with hybrid insides. Unveiled at the Belgian Auto Show after being hammered into place since the last three years, this production prototype has sure left a smile across our faces.

    Once made available, the Imperia Hybrid will show up on market shelves for a price tag of 90,000 Euro price tag, or 120,000 Euros for the first edition. Retro with a bit of green sure makes a great combination!

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on February 22, 2011