• Renault to promote compact-electric car, the Twizy, in UK

  • The UK has always had a thing for particularly smaller cars unlike American folk who prefer their rides to be bug, muscular and chunky with healthy appetites. Renault, seeing the potential market for their little egg-on-wheels the Twizy, has now unleashed a six minute long video showering praise on the vehicle, its practicality, safety and styling. With a range of up to 75 miles on a single charge, the Twizy could indeed do pretty well, helping you quickly navigate around the crowded streets of London or drive down a country lane without suffocating the environment with the emissions a usual gas-powered metal shell would spew. Renault has currently sold nearly 6,500 of these little one-seat electric quad-bike like vehicles across Europe and is currently planning to take its brainchild overseas to South America and countries like Turkey, Israel, Japan and Singapore.


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on September 3, 2012