• Paving stones help decrease NOx in air by 25% to 45% according to Netherlands research

  • BB.jpgResearches in the Netherlands have literally driven upon a shocking fact recently. Using roads as air purifiers has never been thought of before, until now. Tests carried out in the municipality of Hengelo with the Castorweg road being resurfaced. The project included 1,000 square meters of the road’s surface being covered with air-purifying concrete paving stones. As a comparison, another 1.000 square meters was surfaced with normal paving stones. Last spring, the researches carried out three air-purity measurements between a half and one-and-a-half meters. And then, an astonishing fact was revealed. The area over the air-purifying paved area was found to have 25% to 45% lower NOx content, as compared to the normal paved area.

    Earlier, these paving stones used in the research have proven their capabilities in laboratory environments. The test was carried on to see them work for real. And they did, with great results! Maybe a few roads around, with these stones could help keep our air clean for a change.

    Posted in Topics:Architecture, Other Stuff, Transport, Tags: , on July 9, 2010