• Nissan records overwhelming reservation numbers for its all electric LEAF

  • Nissan_LEAF_Reservations.jpg
    Nissan’s, much hyped, all–electric LEAF seems to have hit the right cord with consumers. The LEAF is supposed to be the first ever electric car to be mass produced and made commercially available. According to a Nissan executive more than 6,635 people have booked the LEAF just within two days of opening bookings. However, the more staggering statistic is that Nissan got around 2,700 bookings within the first two hours itself. While, a majority of the bookings are coming in from the western coasts, everyone’s only motive seems to be ‘going green’.Considering the fact that this reservation system has been made available only to the 115,000 people who had registered themselves on the “interest list” until May 15th, Nissan will achieve its target of 50,000 vehicles sooner than estimated.

    Looking at the numbers, it seems that anyone who wants the LEAF in the first year will have to book it as fast as possible. The success of this car will also have a great effect on the environment as it will reduce carbon emissions by thousands of tonnes.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on April 26, 2010