• Half of U.S.’s cars to go electric by 2030

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    By the year 2030, the roads in the United States of America will have a cleaner and greener feel to them, taken that around half of the vehicles there will be powered by cleaner energy, mostly electricity. This would also help reduce America’s dependency on oil and at the same time reduce pollution and the use of unredeemable energy sources. One of the bills cleared by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee was passed 19-4 in favor that would help out with $3.9 billion over 10 years for infrastructure building that will help charge EVs and provide incentives for EV buyers.

    Doing so could help half of America’s cars go electric. This will also help out in national security with reduced dependence on fossil fuels and at the same time clean up the smog ridden air in cities around U.S. We hope the year 2030 does see these changes taking effect.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 22, 2010