• Green vehicles with a 100 miles-per-gallon equivalent win $10 million

  • Edison2-Very-Light-Vehicle-1.jpg
    The results for the Progressive Automotive X Prize Competition are here. To win this one, competitors had to achieve a 100 miles per gallon equivalent and match up to a bunch of production, safety and handling requirements. Winners included both, electric as well as combustion-powered vehicles who took home sack-loads of bucks. The “Alternative Class” winners included the Wave II and the Peraves X-Tracer “E-Tracer” that each won $2.5 million, with the Wave II delivering 187 mpge an the E-Tracer with as much as 200 mpge. Winners in the “Mainstream” class included the Edison2 Very Light Vehicle with a 102.5 mpg equivalent and a 40-horsepower 250 cc single-cylinder engine.

    Its great to see competitions like these held, with standards like these set and green cars participating. It just makes us anticipate a cleaner and greener automobile industry in the future.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on September 20, 2010