• Formula zero technique promises a green future for superyachts

  • sauter2.jpgAccording to studies conducted by leading shipbuilders emission of GHG (Greenhouse gases) can be reduced drastically if they stick to certain norms while building ships. These include making the design more aerodynamic, using power sailing regeneration technique, using fully rotational wingsails, using energy efficient equipment and covering maximum possible area with photovoltaic cells. Formula Zero technique devised by Richard Sauter employs all these methods achieving a 75-100% reduction in GHG emissions. In contrast to the currently used Carbon Offset techniques, Formula Zero aims to make carbon emissions zero instead of just reducing it. A yacht employing Formula Zero technique consumes 4000 litres fuel less than a normal yacht while sailing for a day. This translates into 10 ton reduction per day of CO2 emissions.

    Formula Zero efficiently combines green techniques with the luxury of superyachts making it an ideal choice for our energy starved environment.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on March 26, 2010