• E-Tracer and X-Tracer – Electric cabin motorcycles from Peraves coming soon

  • peraves-ecomobile-motorcycle.jpg
    If three/four wheelers refuse to pump up your adrenaline and if you feel that open air two-wheelers don’t render the protection from unruly weather then I suggest the cabin motorcycles. And Peraves, the maker of such vehicles earns green points for offering eco-friendly enclosed two-wheelers. The makers of Ecomobile and Monotracer will soon roll out two more vehicles for mean yet green driving. First one, the E-Tracer, is an all electric version. Peraves maintains that it is much faster than the BMW powered version. We certainly will watch out for this Beamer competitor. The second in line is the X-Tracer, an official contender for the X-Prize. Using their latest SuperBallMotor, this version is certainly show true colors at the 100+ mpg competition. Watch out for more about them soon as they are set to hit the roads sometime this year.


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 2, 2009