• Electric home grass-mower Amp Rider trims without any carbon footprint

  • Ariens_amp_rider_electric_mower.jpg
    Going green is one thing and cutting the over grown green on your front yard is another. Lawn mowers traditionally are noisy and polluting devices and apparently are a pain to maintain. The Amp Rider created by Ariens is an answer to such misery as it offers a zero-emission way to cut the ‘green green grass of your home’. It is an electric riding mower and is powered by no-maintenance AGM batteries and can run for 75 minutes on a charge and uses three separate brushless DC motors to move you along and spin the twin blades.

    This cool machine to make your ‘green green home’ costs $3299. which means only a select few would be mowing there lawns and not cursing the government for tax reforms.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on May 14, 2009