• Cycling-Class-Bus uses pedal-power to move

  • Who needs “horsepower” when you could very well power up a mass-transit vehicle with your own two feet! Fitness trainer Sandro Zumpe recently came up with the ‘Cycling-Class-Bus’, a mix and match of exercise and travel. You probably might have guessed by now, that this bus requires its passengers to power it up. Here’s how. Instead of a conventional gas or electricity-powered motor, the bus sports several bicycle-like contraptions inside, the type you’d find in a gym. The passengers are required to use these to set the wheels of the bus moving. A concept for now that still lacks a solid base for it to show up in the real world, this indeed could lead to a healthier and more energy-efficient lifestyle!


    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on July 3, 2012