• “Convoy” and government emission regulations could help tractor-trailers go green

  • Convoy.jpg
    No-one really bothers about fuel efficiency when it comes to those huge trailer trucks we see hauling all that cargo down U.S. highways. These trucks drink as much as they can and happily spew a load of carbon into the air. Government proposals made in the future could keep these trucks clean though, and make the truckers a lot richer too! The Convoy shows the world just how clean trucks can really get, cutting out on oil consumption. These trucks currently constitute just 4% of on-road vehicles, and at the same time consume 20% of the fuel! Fuel standards being set now could reduce the consumption of these tractor trailers by a whole 20% by the year 2017.

    Building trucks with better aerodynamics, lighter materials, more advanced engines and battery storage systems, regenerative breaking and hybrid technology could help them clean up their act in future and transport stuff in a much cleaner way.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on October 26, 2010