• Car rental companies going green

  • hybrid_cars_1.jpg
    The next time you get a red carpet treatment its time you show some class by demanding a greener way to arrive in style. Car rental companies are choosing Hybrid car services to pick up or drop their clients, this way they provide their clients the coveted white glove treatment with a green car. It is now widely accepted by privileged clients to get the green treatment without sacrificing on comfort, the number of limo companies offering hybrid pick-ups is rising. Clients are collected in a hybrid Ford Escape in D.C. and a hybrid Lexus in another city.

    In L.A. a rental car agency called Fox greets its clients with a Prius on their trips from the L.A International Airport. This trend is a great way for many competing companies to follow suite. It’s amazing how being a little pushy about your environmental concerns changes the services to be catering those demands and in turn helps the environment.

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on June 10, 2008