• Airplanes could taxi around airports with hydrogen power

  • Electric-nose-wheel.jpg
    Aircrafts are known for all the pollution they cause. They leave a trail of carbon emissions behind every time they shoot through the skies above. Well, if not the skies, aircrafts in future could maneuver around runways in a greener way, with technological advancements like the new hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion system. A system like this could help commercial aircrafts cut on-ground emissions by one quarter. The German Aerospace Center’s (DLR) researchers have created an electric nose wheel to enable aircrafts to move around airports, powered by electricity.

    This could help short-haul aircraft save a good 200 to 400 liters of kerosene on a daily basis, taken that they take off and land several times in a day and subsequently decreasing noise pollution by 95%!

    Posted in Topics:Transport, Tags: , on February 11, 2011