• United Kingdom’s first recycled kitchen

  • recycled_kitchen.jpg
    A lot of items are used by us daily because we just can live without them. For example if you love yoghurt and you are the kind of person who would love to have one daily with your lunch, you could end up contributing more than 250 of them a year to landfills and most of that is really unnecessary. Because of this, several companies are now looking into ways of diligently taking care of this problem. Milestone’s Kitchen is a very good example of this because it boasts itself as the first kitchen to be made entirely from recyclable materials.

    The cabinets are made from recycled yoghurt pots, giving them an organic speckled look. Each cabinet needs 700 pots to make. The worktops are also made from plastic art, constructed entirely from vending machines coffee cups. Sink is made from recycled steel. The lighting is only 5 watts to a maximum of 7 watts and depends on where it is located.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on August 5, 2009