• UK govt says recycle own waste of pay huge fine

  • Rubbish_collectors.jpg
    The UK government has decided that it is about time that people start obeying rules and following the law in keeping the world a safer and greener place. Apparently, every household will now have to recycle their own rubbish and if they fail to do so, they will have to pay from 100 to 1,000 pounds of fine. In their kitchens everyone will have to have a slop bucket where they can toss their food waste and scrap. The rubbish collectors will not be collecting recyclables anymore and
    people will just have to obey the rules and separate the glass, cans, wood and paper or else cough out the fine.

    With the recession looking more bleak than bright, it will not be a surprise that people will suddenly be obeying their laws because this is no amount that you want to simply spent by being stubborn and not obeying the rules. Why should it be so hard anyway? Its’ for an excellent cause, so this shouldn’t be such a worry after all.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on June 10, 2009