• Trash cans made from recycled Cheetos bags and diapers

  • Trash-cans.jpg
    What’s similar in that bag of Cheetos you’ve just finished and your younger sister’s diaper? The things they are recycled into! Cheetos bags and diapers are being recycled, and turned into trashcans these days. Based in New Jersey, the company TerraCycle along with Pioneer Plastics USA uses the junk to make the trash cans, out of recycled polypropylene. Bags were collected by TerraCycle’s Chip Bag Brigade and transformed into trash cans. 80% is made from the Cheetos bags while elastic rubber trimmings are used to for the production of the remaining 20% of the trashcans components. Around 500 chip bags are used to make a single trash can. This production of trash cans helps reduce around 40% of the carbon footprint that would actually be stamped, had virgin plastic be used instead.

    So the next time you eat a bag of chips, make sure it’s recycled into bins that hold the rest of your garbage!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on August 23, 2010