• The Hopeless Diamond Sofa is recycled from hardware-store materials

  • Hopeless-Diamond-Sofa-1.jpg
    With a name like The Hopeless Diamond Sofa, we sure thought a lot different about this piece of furniture before digging in for more information. This one hardly is any hopeless though. Probably a name like The Awesome Diamond Sofa Made from Recycled Stuff would go better. Anyways, the sofa by Christopher Stuart uses some pretty weird materials like a copper plumbing pipe, shipping blankets, zip ties, and carpet padding and a lot more. The design of this one was inspired by the F-117 stealth aircraft, probably why the name Hopeless Diamond came through (ask the Air-force why they chose that for a name).

    Recycling stuff and turning it into some pretty awesome pieces of furniture is just what we love! The Hopeless Diamond Sofa is just one of them. Good going Christopher!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on October 27, 2010