• The Econology Life Recycle House recycles your garbage, powered by solar energy

  • econology-life-recycle-house1.jpg
    Well, if you aren’t too comfortable using the usual garbage recycling facilities, owing to the fact that they can get smelly and messy at times, here’s what designer Soyoung Park has to offer. Known as the Econology Life Recycle House, this structure is basically a recycling facility with a cleaner and more sophisticated touch to it. Carry your garbage to this one, complete with an integrated waste separation system that’ll make sure all your garbage is disposed off in the right way. Giving it a greener touch, the Econology Life Recycle House also boasts a bunch of solar panels up on its roof to soak in the sun and fulfill energy needs. Lastly, the structure also features a wash basin, where you can have your hands go squeaky clean after taking out the garbage.

    A set up like this will sure encourage people to take out their garbage for recycling.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on November 29, 2010