• Skulls made by artists around the world, using recycled materials

  • skateboard.jpg
    The punks loved them, doctors study them and the pirates flaunt them on their flags. You guessed that right, we’re talking about skulls. Now this may sound weird and disgusting to some, but skulls are now inspiring artists more than ever. And using recycled materials to make skulls of different shapes and sizes gives this emblem of death and danger a new lease of life. The Skateboard Skull is made by a Japanese artist Hiroshi using old skate decks. The artist loves skating, and instead of having the decks thrown away, he came up with the Skate Board skull. Artist Brian Dettmer from Atlanta came up with the cassette-tape skull, made from old derelict cassettes. Subodh Gupta from India came up with the kitchen utensil skull, representing the poor and starvation.

    Noah Scalin’s Skull-A-Day project had him creating skulls everyday out of things he could lay his hands on, one of which is a recycled cardboard skull.
    Using discarded Apple keyboard keys, Roger of RubyRed T-Shirt designs came up with a T-shirt skull. Recycling is turning into an aide for artists to flaunt their creativity.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on May 27, 2010