• Scotland Yard is recycling guns and knives to be used at 2012 Olympic site

  • london_2012.jpg
    Disposing weapons may be a tedious and a serious problem. However, the famed Scotland Yard has found a novel way of disposing of their unwanted weaponry; by recycling the guns and knives. 52 tonnes of scrap metal was obtained from keys, guns, knives and other objects. These metals were melted and used in the building of bridges, buildings, and also cars and trains.

    Besides this, the staff has also collected 3.3 million used bullets weighing 28 around tones. According to the Metropolitan Police, this scrap metal will also find its place in the 2012 Olympic site in Stratford, east London and the force has recycled 3182 tons of waste in the last year. Bullet casings made up of lead, brass and aluminum were used to make jewelry and photo frames.
    Body armor, clothing, cooking oil and horse manure are some of the other things recycled. The force also includes 5500 vehicles which on use cause a substantial harm to the environment. Using hybrid vehicles
    for the Police may be an expensive option but will help reduce costs in the future. This move by London’s law keepers will help make the city a cleaner and greener place to live in.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on January 6, 2010