• Re-Wine biodegradable reusable wine cases transform into lamps, tables, chairs and shelves!

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    Using the concept of Reuse and Recycle in a manner never executed before, designer Miniwiz’s Re-Wine design sure takes the cake when it comes to reusable packaging. A biodegradable carrying case for your wine, this cleverly designed contraption turns into a full-fledged table-lamp when it serves its purpose as a carter for your wine. And that certainly isn’t all! If you really aren’t looking for a lighting solution either, the Re-Wine uses interlocking joints that enables it to be connected to other similar units to form house-hold furniture including tables, shelves and seats! And if you simply aren’t looking for anything of the sort, these cases are fully biodegradable, meaning that you can toss them into nature (safely), without this causing harm to the environment!


    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on December 26, 2011