• Recycling, the best way to save our planet

  • Recycling.jpg
    Everyone’s waking up to eco-consciousness now and most of us have probably realized the need to save our environment from the certain doom it’ll face as time goes by if we continue endangering it further. The best we can do at our home is recycling most of the stuff we usually dump in our garbage cans. Recycling helps decrease the amount of junk piled up at landfills and saves a whole lot of energy too!

    Switzerland currently is the country with the highest percentage of garbage recycling, around 52% that is, followed by Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Norway. Some countries use recycling as a profitable business, especially in Asian countries like Japan that met a profit of 360 billion dollars with recycling. China has 2.5 million people are involved in recycling activities.
    US currently recycle just 31.5% of its garbage. Using recycled paper would help save 544,000 trees in the United States, 9 cubic yards of soil from being used as landfill for every ton of cardboard recycled and 5% energy if aluminum is recycled instead of being produced.
    Numbers sure make people think harder. Hopefully these statistics do.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on April 27, 2010