• Recycled concrete pipe rooms at Das Parkhotel

  • dasparkhotel.jpg
    Thinking out of the box is a gift rewarded to a select few. Austrian designer Andreas Strauss has proved to be a winner. He came up with this idea of recycling concreted pipes into rooms where people can live in for their summer break or short get-aways! Das Parkhotel, Andreas’ project which he started in 2005, involves a repurposed pipe with a double bed, storage space, light, power, woolly blanket and light cotton sleeping bag. People can use the toilets and showers from the surrounding public space and can stay through the summer from May till October.

    If you think this is one of those funky, new designs that will rip off your pocket, think again, as it is very effective and also cheap. Who wouldn’t want a cost-effective yet fun form of vacation?

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on March 14, 2009