• Recyclable, reusable pizza box

  • greenbox.jpg
    What is an environmentally friendly pizza box? It is something that is recyclable and shaped in such a form that it can be cut into four different parts that will give the pizza buyer the option of not using plates and use the recyclable cardboard as a plate. And if you want to save some of the slices, you can do that on a triangular piece also available with the same recyclable box. Do you know what ALL this wonderful and brilliant piece of discovery can do? It reduces your dish washing detergent usage! Now you can stuff your kitchen with all the dish washing detergent you want!

    Oh, and don’t forget what else you will be not wasting – disposable plates, aluminum foil AND plastic wrap. All this for the sake of one pizza. It would be nice to meet the person who came up with this idea because the kind of energy, time and thought that’s gone into this surely deserves atleast a Pulitzer. Go figure.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Recycle, Tags: , on April 23, 2009