• Mattel Inc. goes green and plans to use recycled material for paper packaging

  • Mattel.jpg Mattel Inc., one of the largest manufacturers of toys in the world today, has decided to wipe itself clean of carbon footprints. And to set off with the same, Mattel will have 70% of its paper packaging composed of recycled material or sustainable fiber. Also, Mattel will focus on maximizing post-consumer recycled content and is looking to keep clean of virgin fiber from controversial sources. And that’s not all. The toy manufacturers are also looking planning to have 85% of its paper packaging be composed of recycled material or sustainable fiber by the end of 2015. We applaud Mattel Inc.’s efforts to go green, and hope this works as an inspiration for toy manufacturers around the globe.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on October 6, 2011