• H&M to swap polyester with recycled PET bottles

  • hmrecycle.jpgH&M is a great brand – not just in their clothing range but also in heart. Or so they have proven to be as they are soon to be using recycled PET plastic bottles to make their clothes rather than the conventional polyester. Keeping in mind the receding ice space and the crazy weather conditions across the world owing to global warming could have been one reason to this move. But nonetheless, it’s a welcome change and hope more brands will follow suit.

    Another unique H&M feature is that it also uses organic cotton and this year they are planning to increase production of that line by 50%. On the cards for the company are women’s organic and recycled clothing like shirts, t-shirts, blouses, skirts and dresses; men’s organic or recycled suits, shirts and sweaters and children’s collections with t-shirts, pants, shorts, skirts, vests and jeans. Hail H&M.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on February 13, 2009