• Haitian earthquake debris to be recycled into new concrete

  • haiti-earthquake-debris.jpg
    It’s been nearly a year now since a massive earthquake shook the life out of Haiti and the debris are slowly being cleared away with the horrific memories of the natural calamity. The 7.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred has left behind debris that according to experts at Georgia Tech can be recycled and reused safely. This can be done inexpensively and be reused as strong construction material in the future. Currently, authorities are busy looking up ways to systematically and safely dispose of the waste and debris covering an estimated to be 20 million cubic yards. Sample of the typical concrete rubble are being collected and using some fairly simple methods of recycling the rubble and debris, new concrete will be created.

    The concrete used earlier in Haiti was mixed by eye, an unreliable method, causing weak constructions that collapsed with the quake. This new recycled concrete however will contain the correct proportions and help build stronger structures.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on January 5, 2011