• Geeky Christmas tree recycled out of hard drives

  • harddrivetree_1.jpg
    This festive season, we are certainly feeling the green wave as the blogoshpere is buzzing with products and projects that are promising an eco-friendly Christmas. Following closely behind the recycled geeky jewelry, it is time to take a look at a 100% green Christmas tree. Erected out of old hard drive parts, it is created by an NZGames forum member. TechEBlog reports that it is made from a large RAID array, consisting of 60-70 hard drives, that was disassembled. The green geeky designer has spent about 3-weeks to give shape to this Chirstmas tree that may not flaunt the green color, but it certainly spreads the green message. The highlight of this creation is that all the individual sections are spinnable.

    Readers, feel free to tip about such green Christmas trees that you feel are distinctively eco-friendly. We will be pleased to cover them.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on December 17, 2008