• Furniture made from paper

  • paper_furniture.jpg
    You know that huge wad of papers you have and often think about all those trees you have had to chop just so that you can read and entertain yourself? Well, someone’s come up with a better use of it. Furniture. Yeah, Way Basics is a company that produces these module furniture pieces made from paper and calls it zBoards. It is a revolutionary material that is sustainably made and 100% recyclable. It is also supposed to be extremely strong but yet weighs 62% less than particle boards.

    All you do is pull the boards out of the packaging, align them to form a box, peel off 3M tape and stick them together. The instructions say to let things set for about 24 hours but in under 10 minutes, the whole thing was as strong as wood and nails. These zBoards are drillable, nailable, and paintable as well and the kits come in various colors and sizes. The basic cube retails for $20 and the more creative you want to get with it the higher the price I guess.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on August 1, 2009