• Eco Bath that uses 50% reused and new water toilet system

  • ecobath.jpg
    This is a nice concept, a little stinky, but still nice. This is a bathroom with an interconnected sink and closet. The “Eco Bath” concept uses 50% reused water and 50% new water for a toilet system. It was designed by Jang Woo-seok. See, it’s like this. You use the sink and the water then goes into the closet and you can use that to flush. Then, the water in the closet goes up to the sink where you can use to, well, do your stuff. So it is like a cycle. In between you some tubes that will recycle the water so that you are not rinsing your mouth with what you drank yesterday. That’s how it works/. Smart idea, but also a little stinky.


    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on May 25, 2009