• Discarded TVs to be recycled to medicines, new research says

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    The next time someone calls you a couch potato, show them this report and swell in pride. Scientists from the University of York are saying that now it is possible to recycle waste material from discarded televisions to make them useful for medical purposes. They also found a ‘way to recover the chemical compound polyvinyl-alcohol (PVA) from television screens, and transform it into a substance which could be suitable for use in tissue scaffolds which help parts of the body regenerate’. These can be used in pills or dressing thereby helping different parts of the body.

    One researcher noted that ‘with 2.5 billion liquid crystal displays already reaching the end of their life, and LCD televisions also becoming common there is a huge amount of potential waste to manage’. Scientists are amazing. Imagine actually finding some benefit from television other than entertainment!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on July 15, 2009