• Caffeine alcoholic drinks recycled into ethanol

  • Caffeine-alcoholic-drinks-1.jpg
    In a recent crackdown by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the Four Loko alcoholic beverage was pulled of store shelves and discontinued owing to caffeine contents. So, wholesalers from North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland and other East Coast states have begun sending all these now discontinued drinks to MXI Environmental Services in Virginia for recycling, and having them used to create ethanol. These drinks were usually purchased by college students and have resulted in a number of alcohol-related deaths and accidents in the past too. So, the killer drink will now be used for a greener cause. MXI will have the alcohol distilled from the drinks, which will then be sold and blended into gasoline. The aluminum cans are also to end up at recyclers for a new life.

    Indeed a great move by the FDA and MXI, having these drinks pushed out of shelves and recycled instead.

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on January 7, 2011