• Auto parts recycled in to a High Octane Chess Set

  • auto_parts_chess_set_1.jpg
    Ah, six months back, I sold my car with out realizing that the aged engine was a treasure chest. At least I could have been richer with a chess set built out of the used auto parts. I am harping about the auto-turned-chess as I am inspired by RevRod crew’s idea of recycling useless engine parts into an intelligent game of war ! How about making your move on the High Octane Chess Set with the pawns made from lifters or rooks recycled out of bolts with a welded castle nut top. The valve spring with a welded rocker arm top plays the role of a Knight and the intake valves is best suited as the Bishop. And lastly the royals……King is nothing but the input shaft of a 4-speed Muncie transmission and the Queen is a part of a high-performance slant-6 racing cam shaft with a spider gear welded on top. Phew! Heavy metals for heavy game!

    [Hacked-Gadgets And Boingboing]

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on February 10, 2009