• 80,000 recycled chopsticks used to construct four trees

  • recycled-chopsticks-tree.jpg
    Trees are cut. Wood is processed. Chopsticks are made. That’s a fact. What you probably might not have heard of before is, trees being made out of chopsticks! We were pretty astounded when we first came across this one too. A closer look showed an innovative way to recycle used chopsticks. With help from Greenpeace and Ogvily’s campaign to help people realize the dangers of deforestation, a good 200 volunteers from various Beijing universities came forward and helped dig out some 80,000 wooden chopsticks. These were then cleaned and with the help of artist Xu Yinhai, four life-like trees were constructed. China produces some 57 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks, for which 1.18 million square meters of forests are cut down.

    It’s up to the Chinese now to decide for themselves if its worth cutting down a good 3.8 million trees, for chopsticks they toss away after meals. Maybe, it’s time to switch to a better alternative. The food will always taste the same after all!

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on January 14, 2011