• 1GB USB stick made of recycled cardboard

  • 1gb_USB_stick.jpg
    People are these days more attached to a USB stick than they are of a gold plated luck charm. So many designs and so many options of a small little device like the USB, it’s almost amusing. But now since the in thing is to go green and be more aware of your environment and atmosphere and your earth, some wise guy namely Colin Garceau-Tremblay has come up with a cardboard 1GB USB stick. Specialty is that the cardboard is recycled. The card includes five sticks to be detachable by cracking them on the doted line. It’s a wise thought but honestly, who would put such a thing to actual use? It is so small that you would think it was waste and throw it away until you are one of those extremely clean and tidy ones and has no reputation of having anything brown at home save new green inventions.
    [Packaging UQAM]

    Posted in Topics:Recycle, Tags: , on May 14, 2009