• US military, world’s largest polluting factor, needs a push towards green

  • us-military-pollution.jpg
    Try as they may, the US military still plays a significant role in polluting the environment. In fact, the US military is considered to be the world’s largest polluter! We’ve seen the defense forces indulge in some green and environment friendly activities before. These initiatives are great and just right, though a lot more need to be made, without compromising security. Watchdog group Project Censored stumbled upon the astounding fact that the military produces around 750,000 tons of toxic waste yearly. Around 8,500 of these polluting facilities lie in America alone, while the rest are spread across the globe.

    The military has also tested bombs in habitats of endangered species and has been rightly sued for it. All’s not bad though. The military today is working hard on decreasing its carbon footprint and going a shade greener than their camouflages.

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on November 2, 2010