• The T-shirt that hates having you lazing around, powered by solar energy

  • DIY-Solar-Powered-T-Shirt-1.jpg
    Well, here’s a T-shirt that might just help increase your productivity, or probably end up frustrating you. What interested us though was the way it powers up, with solar energy. Known as the Motivational Moody Workout T-Shirt, this one created by Lingon at Instructables works somewhat like an annoying physical fitness coach. It comes with blue LEDs neatly sewn into happy face patterns on the LilyPad board. Using a ball tilt sensor, the T-shirt keeps track on your movement and your facial expressions too!

    And if you’re planning to laze around at home, out and away from the sunshine, simply toss it into the laundry! Solar power sure is finding a bunch load of out-of-the-box applicability these days!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on March 16, 2011