• The Japanese to sleep an hour earlier and wake up earlier to reduce carbon emissions

  • Japanese.jpg
    The Japanese have planned to go green and reduce their carbon footprints. And how are they planning to execute that? Not solar panels, not wind turbines, not electric cars or anything you’ve heard or read of before. They plan to hit the hay earlier. As a strategy to cut out on carbon emissions, the Japanese will now go to bed, an hour early. So, if your Japanese and watch late night television, its time you switch off your lights and the TV and get some sleep! Known as the Morning Challenge campaign, this strategy was unveiled by the Environment Ministry. If every one in a family goes to bed, and wakes up an hour earlier, a Co2 footprint of around 85kg could be reduced, annually.

    The amount of carbon dioxide emissions potentially saved from going to bed an hour early was the equivalent of 20 per cent of annual emissions from household lights. Going to bed early and waking up early, using the early morning sunlight hours, could save a whole lot of electricity, reducing car emissions. Early to bed and early to rise, keeps one healthy, wealthy and wise, and now reduces carbon emissions too!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on June 28, 2010