• Tesco pull back claimed-environment-friendly degradable bags

  • Tesco_biodegradable_bags1.jpg
    Tesco finally realized, that the biodegradable bags the chain had hooked up to recently are potentially more life-threatening to the environment than any of us would imagine! Going bright red in the face, the store chain has cut-off giving out these biodegradable bags, given that they ideally take about 20 to 35 months to decompose, or so thought Tesco. Take those months and do the math, with Tesco giving out more than two billion of these bags a year, and we’re pretty sure you’re going to fall out of your chair too, just the way did, and Tesco did!

    And like we all know, most supermarket bags have a lifespan of just 20 minute, after which they’re dumped and spend the rest of eternity trying to disintegrate into an environment that could simply do well without them! Well Tesco, we sure hope you cook up better ways for people to carry home their groceries hence forth!

    Posted in Topics:Other Stuff, Tags: , on August 16, 2011